and Nasihat aku adalah tak payah bacalah blog nih kalau tak suka.. its my blog and its up to me to decide my way of writing!.. kalau nak menulis untuk bacaan orang dan tidak menarik cara penulisannya buat apa?...
and i Categorized u as ugly readers...
so untuk mak bapak korang yang kurang ajar dan biadap tuh!....
atau translation dalam bahasa melayu yang lebih kasar bunyinya: Jangan Buang Anak Anak anda yang burok disini...
to Nubhan's fans in general: Baca dan dalami watak Sapi dalam Novel Ahadiat Akasyah yang bertajuk "Lagenda Budak Setan" best cerita nie... (",) be nice to me and i'll tell u privately... the full story...
and to my loyal beautiful readers... I will only write more if u think i should write...saya hargai komen dan nasihat anda... sila suarakan pendapat dan komen anda disini directly to me and tak payah nak jadi mcm those ugly readers cakap blakang... (",)
Next on Syso's Beutiful Mind...
Nubhan VS NSTP...
saper kata i takder plan of what i want to write? well a plan is not a plan unless u have a plan B...
heya syso
just ignore those 'ugly readers'.....u have so many more 'beautiful appreciative readers' around.
not kissin ur as* but i do love reading ur blog and waits anxiously daily for new funky funny crazy thoughts coming out from u.
dorang yg kureng ajar itu mengong-mengong belaka sungguh...toing toing toing
ps: Ahadiat Akasyah's 'Lagenda Budak Setan' is soooooo baek punye!!!! fall in love with the story and cant wait to see Nubhan in it.
Take care n Peace :)
lerh. syed.
relly looking 4ward nk bce pasal ogy n que.
biarlah org nk cakap ape.
juz keep on writing.
sbb i ske membacanye
Just continue dear...
It's your story..
your writing...
I like it.. just ignore them...
Keep on writing!
p.s : rindu dah lama tak jumpa..huhu!
u mmg creative & talented in writing lah entertain us with yr writing, not forgetting loads of pics -jef
keep on writing and buat x peduli je sore2 sumbang mambang tu ok!...lantak pi je depa orite syed! always! you have a nice smile..hehehhe tetiba KAN!...
keep on writing and buat x peduli je sore2 sumbang mambang tu ok! lantak pi je depa tu syed! be waiting for your next entry...
ignore je syed....Keep on writing!!!!
hi there...
Get to know ur blog thru Mr.Manager and been reading it till now.
Well ur blog is ur blog.Write whatever you feel like. You're not writting it for people nor to pleased people..
Forget those "ugle readers"..they mean nothing to you..ahaks..they are just "jealous" of you..they just wanna put you down..
YOU shoould be happy with ur world..
ENJOY your life!!
Just believe in KARMA...
Keep on writting...
y do u care so much abt this STUPID PPL comments? its ur thoughts n ur blog so, peduli apa what they want to say. I am 1 of the ardent reader of ur blog n vern, keep it up, keep us posted n GTH with this ugly reader...
Hi Syso...
I`m jst a silent reader of your blog. Keep on writing.. cos ther many of us out there reading yr blog.
will continue reading your blog no matter how bad people are talking about you / this blog / ur artistes. lantak dioranglah!
If m not mistaken, Sapi tu abang Kasyah kan? ke kawan dia? hish tak ingatlah pulak. kena belek balik buku nih! Superb!
continue writing.
ignore those ugly ones.
there's still a lot of beautiful appreciative readers,
count me as one of them.
yerp..ignore je..
i suka blog u..
keep on writing..
ur writing x sma dgn org laen..
wit love : mz
alah syed... ignore je those ugly children...
yg penting we all luv ur blog...
mmg adat la ade yg suke ade yg x...
but bg i lah, u juz should continue jer blogging mcm biase...
diorg ckp blkang, dorg yg dosa kan...
juz think about da ppl who luv u n ur blog ok...
ouh, btw, ape yg trjadi antara aunty ogy & abg que tu?? heheh...
and Ahadiat Akasyah's 'Lagenda Budak Setan' tu cter pasal ape??
pedulikan mereka syed... butakan mata, pekakkan telinga... just continue with what u doing... x yah ambil port ngan diaorang... pedulikan mereka yang kureeeeeng ajar tu... x pun syed kasi tau je shah sape org2 itu... biar shah ajar skirt diaorg...
take care syed....
i like your blog.. thats why i choose to follow you.. tak perlu risau pasal those ugly readers.. kita ni bukan perfect untuk nak puaskan hati semua org.. kan3???
salam syso,
keep on writing ok..on any story mory, as long it makes us read them..
aper pasal mau amik kisah , aper org kata....dorang tk suka, dorang punyer hal la..demokrasi kan :))
hello syed~
dalam hidup ni tak semua yg kita buat tuh org suka. dan dlm hidup ni jugak, bukan sume org suka kat kita. tapi, itu cuma segelintir je. mereka ni mmg suka nak tgk hidup orang bercelaru dan dimalukan. tak boleh nak tgk orang gembira.
so, nasihat i untuk u, just ignore those "ugly readers". they are bored so they create something to entertain them. well, kesian sebenarnye kat diorg ni sbb takde keje lain nak buat. maybe they dont have a LIFE. haha. apa2la, i tanak kutuk2 lebih2. :p yg penting, u jgn amek pusing sgt apa yg dorg cakap. just be urself because believe it or not, ramai lagi yg kat luar sana tuh yg suka apa yg u tulis.. jadi abaikan mereka2 si "ugly readers" nieh. :)
keep on writing syed!!~
"to Nubhan's fans in general: Baca dan dalami watak Sapi dalam Novel Ahadiat Akasyah yang bertajuk "Lagenda Budak Setan" best cerita nie... (",) be nice to me and i'll tell u privately... the full story..."
*cough cough* :)tell me tell me. ive been waiting patiently for ur post on this after kak ogy's post tu tp takde plak. huhu. ouh btw syed, ive been meaning to tell u this but asyik lupe je nak insert in my comment..we've met before if u recognize it was me laa. hehe :) a day(i assumed laa) before ure off to bangkok. ring a bell? :P
hye bro..
sabar jerlah dgn perangai org yg tak cukup didikan ni..
jgn dilayan..buang masa jer..
yg penting, bro enjoy menulis k..
All the best bro! =)
hye there..
mrh btol kat 'ugly children' tu..but u know what..(dis is my opinion la..)..if u didnt really show ur anger towards them,much better kot..because when we show our anger,we tend to irrationally counter'll be a minus point for the sense that they might think that we r d same as them and we r not..rite? i know u rnt..n i got a tip here..u just continue with what u want to do or to write..dont make them stop u..dont make them influence u..they r nothing looo..NOTHING..hehehe~
we can never satisfy ppl..n some ppl..diorg 'panas punggung' tau tgk org them be..much better..make them more panas..hehe~ if they dont like u doing certain things..dats d things u shud me..if u r gd..they will not just stop d nonsense,they'll respect u even more..n hv a faith in ur supporters..u r not alone..
all d best..keep up d gd work~~ take care~
okay i won't say anything anymore to them.. (",) sajer nak voice out sket jer.. acah acah jer.. hehe... nak bgtau diorang yang Im watching you..
My own brother and sister in law pon dah banyak basuh i dah pasal entry nih.. that why i continue writing new entry tanpa mempedulikakan anasir anasir luar.. but i still classified and call them as Ugly readers.. (",)
thank you for voicing out straight to me... and i appreciate my readers and i'll keep writing selagi yang mampu... one~!
all d best ya~
Owh Nubhan dapat character Sapi tuh ya? Owh coz in the book the character is more to wild like and i-sell-drugs-to-survive. Btw, who plays Kasyah, the lead role?
sometimes these ugly readers are those who we can call uncle or aunt,,just because we got more that they do now,,jealousy maybe,,
those ugly readers wont left any link,,dunno who they are,,makes them become more ugly,
just do your job,
we cant satisfy everyone~
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